Friday, October 16, 2009

Chionodoxa forbesii bulbs

[Photo: Chionodoxa forbesii bulbs.] More treasures from Veseys: Chionodoxa forbesii (glory-of-the-snow, gloire des neiges). These little beauties, native to Turkey, bear six-petalled light blue flowers in early spring—here are some photos at Dave's Garden. I've seen these in real life so I know they really are as pretty as the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Mine are the Chionodoxa 'Pink Giant', and they live up to their name. Also are great self-seeders, even in my dry shade. Must plant more, and the blue ones are very appealing. However, I'm holding off on bulbs this year, as I'm unsure what will happen when I make some changes to the garden, hopefully in Spring 2010.


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